CCSI has 3 Part Time Openings for a house in Worthington. DSP/Caregivers assist individuals 2with disabilities in their home with care/hygiene, meals, housekeeping, program goals and more. DSP's also have fun on the job by attendiing local activities, having meals out, and going to movies for example!
Applicants must be 18 years or older with a highschool diploma. Applicants must also have a working knowledge of the English language for communication with the consumers and for documentation purposes. Computer skills (Word) and basic math skills are necessary. Applicants must be able to move and lift up to 25 pounds.
CCSI is an EEO/AA Employer.
Openings are as follows;
Job #1: Week 1: Monday 4pm-8pm, Saturday 10am-3pm
Week 2: Sunday 10am-3pm
Job #2: Week 1: Off
Week 2: Sunday 8am-4pm
Job #3: Week 1: Sunday 10am-3pm
Week 2: Saturday 10am-3pm